Guiding / Facilitating / Coaching
One-to-one Sessions for Groups & Individuals

  1. What drives people and groups to act in the way they do?

  2. Why do people feel disconnected or in tension around particular issues or challenges?

  3. What invisible psychodynamics are at play in creating our identity or culture, and how these are expressed?

  4. How can we consciously and intentionally work with these energies to navigate the complexities and find transformation?

  5. How can you understand your place on your spiral journey and discern the next steps?

Malcolm developed an understanding of these questions through his own realisations and study: that multiple dimensions interplay to influence how behaviours and actions are embodied. The best way to understand this is by imagining a 3D space containing a horizontal and vertical plane.

The horizontal plane is how we operate and may categorise, process and organise the world we are in, whilst the vertical is the dimension of psychology, spirituality and consciousness that creates a lens of discernment at a particular plane through which we then interpret the world and realise the truth of our circumstances.

The vertical (Longitude) dramatically impacts how we perceive our worldview or action logic and this intersects with the horizontal (Latitude) experiences of life; the point of intersection helps to locate ‘where’ we are positioned on the map of our spiral path coupled with the vertical frequency level of our consciousness.


“In life we need to be like a Kite surfer — we must learn how our Soul can help fill its sails with Spirit and then discover how and when to fly across the waves of Matter with joy and surrender to what emerges.”

Malcolm has helped top teams and individuals to understand how concepts and psychological worldviews of consciousness can assist to release us from being pulled under the waves of materiality without allowing that perspective to become a further trap and instead an opportunity for greater learning.

It is only as we spiritually awaken to consciousness from the ‘vale of forgetfulness’ (as we incarnate into our body we forget our previous lives and their learnings) that we begin to become aware that our Soul may have become enslaved again within the world of matter; a place where our ego desires and has become master and has effectively clipped the wings of Spirit to enable us to fly across the waves of life with Joy.

Ironically, it's only through life's pain and suffering and the obtaining of ‘Gnosis’ (Knowledge through experience) that we learn how to release those magnets of suffering that cause our ‘True North’ compass to spin out of control.


By helping to open up awareness of the vertical dimension of consciousness, (our worldview/action logic) and by working with expanding this dimension to discover the ‘inner light of consciousness’, one can then more deliberately journey up the transformational staircase of Jacob’s Ladder (the ladder between Heaven and Earth). Paradoxically, going higher into the Light of our Spirit requires that we go lower and deeper down into our personal and collective unconsciousness including our shadow (Hell).

This approach of searching for the Light allows one to discern the patterns and shadow energies that hold one in lower levels of consciousness and darkness; patterns associated with attachment and passion to materialism, money, power and sex (The 7 Deadly Sins) — all of which we hopefully are able to transmute and transcend, and therefore realise our true spiritual manifestation and expression into the world.

  • Is about being alongside you on your life journey and supporting you to decide when to make your ascent up the spiritual spiral mountain. As a sherpa and guide, we will help you to carry your essentials and offer guidance when the ‘weather’ is right to make the ascent on your spiritual Camino along with what to let go of. Remember this is your climbing expedition which you need to be leading and committed to but it may need help and support and most importantly guidance until you become expert.

  • Is concerned with helping to set the Sacred Space needed for your exploration as well as to support you, your team and also organisation in defining the objectives and context of the next stage of their corporate development. 

    Interpreting the messages which come through during this process is where the mystic appears to help you to find your inner wisdom and guidance system and interpret the messages.

  • Is a combination of non-directional and directional, emotional and non-emotional guidance and challenge. During sessions, a mix of these styles will be applied to supporting you and your plans. 

    The process starts with a discussion and exploration around the issues/challenges and tensions being faced and is often then followed with a guided meditation into these sensitive issues so that your journey of evolution can move faster.

    This coaching support can have a strong material world impact with aspects of mentorship included, but overall it will be approached more from the guidance of Spirit which is leading the change.


Malcolm has over 40 years of business and commercial experience and for the last 25 years he has been more focused on Guiding, Facilitating and Coaching senior executives, board directors and international sports teams. 

Get in touch to explore the prospect of one-to-one sessions.